Alternative Investing Network

How A Broken Neck Made Me A Better Options Trader

Growing up, I loved sports. I played tennis, basketball, and I was just about the biggest body surfing enthusiast there was. Until one fateful day…

I was 17 and it was just another day out in the ocean, trying to catch a wave. In the midst of my body surfing, I got caught by an unusually large wave for the beach I was on.

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Except this time, I had a freak accident.

I wasn’t ready when the wave broke and I tumbled out of control. My head hit the ground underwater, leaving my body to twist in the wrong way.

A massive pain shot through my neck and a few seconds later when I washed up on shore my right arm felt like there was electricity running through it and my legs were numb.

Luckily, I was at the beach with friends, so they took me to the ER immediately.

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This was before cell phones, but the ER called my parents, who then rushed to the hospital.

That’s when I overheard the doctor say to them, “He’s lucky he isn’t paralyzed… or dead!”

When I really grasped how close I had come to a fate far worse than this, a few things came into focus for me. The most obvious is don’t take dumb risks. Next, try to always be ready for the unexpected.

I also realized that life is precious and can end at any second. So, I beg you, do not leave things undone. Someday is not a day on the calendar, live your life to the fullest each day.

That message was reinforced over the next 6 months as I walked around with a halo brace to keep my neck perfectly still while it mended.

All these years later, those beliefs still outline everything I do…

Especially the way I trade and manage for my Options360 member community.

We take the shots, but…

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